Three Simple Steps to Securely Scaffold and Deploy a CosmosDB Into Azure With Terraform

We will define everything in the cloud as infrastructure as code. While our payloads are mostly deployed to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) using GitOps with ArgoCD, we have decided to deploy the infrastructure using terraform. This however bares the question: How can we define and structure the terraform code so it is usable by everybody?

Weiterlesen Three Simple Steps to Securely Scaffold and Deploy a CosmosDB Into Azure With Terraform

Microsoft Assessment der Interhyp Private Cloud

Im Oktober 2018 haben wir damit begonnen die Virtualisierungs-Plattform der Interhyp auf ein ganz neues Level zu heben und unsere eigene Private Cloud aufzubauen.Jetzt, zwei Jahre später, wollten wir es…

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